For various performers
Funded by TONO-stipendet, Komponistenes Vederlagsfond: Fordypningsstipend, and Arts and Culture Norway
This series of pieces is part of my ongoing work with sound choreography, where visual material and/or movements are interpreted sonically. The performers have specific instructions on what and how to play, all connected to cues in the video material. With these sound choreographic studies, my goal is to create small and easy pieces that can introduce a variety of performers to this way of composing. These studies are in most cases made for open instrumentation. They can be performed either as audiovisual pieces where the video is visible to both the performers and audience or as sound pieces where the video is visible only to the performers.
Everyone is hereby invited to perform the pieces, with whatever instruments or sounds you feel like - please let me know when, where and who, if you are performing in public.
NO. 1
For two or more performers
4 min
This piece is for minimum two performers, able to make five different chromatic pitched tones, do single note repetition, and go from clear tone to non-clear tone (non-pitched and/or noisy and/or distorted tone, depending on the performers abilities).
Link to instructions + video: here!
Video still:

NO. 2
For three or more performers
5 min
This piece is for minimum three performers, able to make three tones (whole step between each), play vibrato (or another (pitch) timbre change), and go from clear tone to non-clear tone (non-pitched and/or noisy and/or distorted tone, depending on the performers abilities).
Link to instructions + video: here!
Video still:

NO. 3
For four or more performers
5:30 min
This piece is for minimum four performers able to play long and short noisy, non-pitched sounds, long and short pitched sounds, with and without distortion of sound. For the pitched tones, agree on one medium-pitch tone that can be played by all the performers.
Link to instructions + video: here!
Video still:

Concept, video, and composition: Tine Surel Lange
Funded by: TONO-stipendet, Fordypningsstipend fra Komponistenes Vederlagsfond and Arts and Culture Norway
© 2023 Tine Surel Lange