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Draugen (2025)
Concert installation in three parts for cello, harmonium, cembalo, electronics, video and lights. Commissioned and curated by Nordland Akademi for Kunst og Vitenskap. The Norwegian Fishing industry Museum. Melbu, Norway

En skog av lyd (2024)
Five string players and large multichannel setup // HOA electroacoustic composition // Large ensemble + video (acoustic). Written for Damkapellet + Lydbrøndene. Commissioned by KLANG festival and Lydbrøndene

Sound Choreography Studies no. 3 (2024)
For three or more performers and video.

Readings for the Future (2024)
Open instrumentation. Commissioned and funded KUPP (Music Norway, Norsk Komponistforening, Talent Norge). Written for Tøyen Fil og Klafferi and Vanessa Massera. Nordlyst - Vinterfest i Andøy, Andenes, Norway

Flaskepost (2023)
For live electronics and instrumental performers. Commissioned by Music Norway on behalf of Northern Connections. Written for Red Note Ensemble. Sound Festival, Aberdeen, Scotland

Sound Choreographic Studies no. 2 (2023)
For three or more performers and video

Apotheosis (2023)
For contrabass clarinet, electric guitar, violoncello, double bass and video. Commissioned by Frequenz Festival. Written for Ensemble KNM Berlin. Frequenz Festival, Kiel, Germany

Sound Choreographic Studies no. 1 (2022)
For two or more performers

Ginnungagap (2022)
For viola and electronics. Commissioned by Hanna Hohti. Helsinki Festival, Kalliosali, Helsinki

Ritual for Changing Times Spring (2022)
For violin, viola and video. Created for Ritual Gatherings. Commissioned by Marco Fusi. World premiere performed by Bozhidar Benev and Ivaylo Angelov. Ritual Gatherings 2022, Kamchia Beach, Bulgaria

Stein I-III (2022)
For a wind instrument, a string instrument, and video. Commissioned by Mean Steel. Vinterfestuka 2022, Narvik Kulturhus, Norway

De ni bølgene (2021)
For flute, guitar, percussion, double bass, and video. Commissioned by aksiom. Kampen kirke, Oslo

Living Landscapes (2021)
For large ensemble, 8 channel live electronics and 2 channel video. Commissioned by BIT20. Grieghallen, Bergen

Ritual for Changing Times (2020)
For four+ performers and video. Commissioned by Lovemusic Collective. Digital premiere

En Tale (2019)
For voices. Commissioned by Oslo14 / nyMusikks Komponistgruppe. Oslo

Arctic Creatures: Repparfjord (2019)
For pierrot emsemble and video. Commissioned by nyMusikks Komponistgruppe / MolOt Ensemble. Nynorskens hus, Oslo

Organized Sound for Sounding Objects II: Metal and metal (2019)
For three performers and metal bowls. Commissioned by nyMusikks Komponistgruppe / Ensemble Parallax. Sentralen, Oslo

Organized Sound for Sounding Objects I: Metal and glass (2018)
For three performers, wine glasses and bowed glockenspiel. Commisssioned by SISU Percussion / nyMusikks Komponistgruppe. Ilios Festival, Harstad, Norway

For solo violin(ist) (2018)
For violinist, objects, and video. Commissioned by Herzbreakerz / Marco Fusi. That Damn Borderline, IAC, Malmø, Sweden

celloLYDverk (2018)
For sound installation and 6 cellists. Commissioned by Cellolyd festival. Reine, Lofoten, Norway

No visual (2018)
For ensemble, composer, objects and live electronics. Commissioned by Alpaca Ensemble / nyMusikks Komponistgruppe. Only Connect, Oslo

Pressure (2017)
For ensemble, objects, and video. Commissioned by asamisimasa for national nyMusikk tour. Various locations, Norway

Tid (2017)
For ensemble, objects, and stories. Commissioned by Lydenskab ensemble. Odder, Denmark

Periferi (2016)
For guitar, live electronics, and field recordings. Commissioned by Jakob Bangsø. Berlin International Guitar Festival, Berlin

Mørket (2017/16)
For string quartet and 5 speakers / string quartet and high order ambisonics sound / string octet and tape. Nordic Music Days, Reykjavik / MiSC, Vilinus / UNM Festival, Helsinki

So You Can Please (2016)
For four percussionists, sex toys, and text. Created at Darmstadt International Summer Course. Darmstadt, Germany

Livet (2016)
For choir. Vox Juventutis, Vilnius

Water (2016)
For piano trio and water samples. Drusko Manija Festival, Vilnius

Byen (2016)
For ensemble and video. Commissioned by asamisimasa / nyMusikks Komponistgruppe. Borealis Festival, Bergen

Ryolitt (2015)
For youth orchestra. Commissioned by Bømlo Kulturskole. Moster Kirke, Bømlo, Norway

Meetings and Greetings (2015)
For ensemble.

Hav + Nyksund (2014)
For cello and live-electronics. Vesterålen Matfestival, Nyksund, Norway

Toner i Bekken (2014)
For string trio and live electronics. Created for Fagerborg Festspillene. Oslo

Mørketid + Tarre + Eremitt (2013)
For cello, live electronics, and video. Nyksund, Norway

Til Domkirken (2012)
For string trio. Written for Sirenerne. Haderslev Cathedral, Denmark

Eventyr + Til Vesterålen + String suite no. 1 (2012)
For string trio. Written for Sirenerne. Reginedagan, Bø i Vesterålen, Norway

Bølgegang + Lucidity (2011)
For string trio. Written for Sirenerne. Haderslev, Denmark

Hugin (2005)
For string trio. Holstebro Orkesterefterskole, Denmark


En skog av lyd (2024)
Five string players and large multichannel setup // HOA electroacoustic composition // Large ensemble + video (acoustic). Written for Damkapellet + Lydbrøndene. Commissioned by KLANG festival and Lydbrøndene

The Lighthouse (2023)
High order ambisonics work. Created and presented as part of “Sonic Experiments 2023” at ZKM - Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe

Havet (2023)
For live electronics. Only Connect Festival, Trondheim, Norway

Mørket (2013/22)
Stereo / high order ambisonics work. 

Helnes I-III (2022)
Three stereo sound works. Collaboration with Emma Gunnarsson. Commissioned by nyMusikks Komponistgruppe. Lydgalleriet, Bergen, Norway

My Favourite Places (2022)

Audio guide + sound drive maps. Commissioned by LIAF - Lofoten International Art Festival. Curated by Francesco Urbano Ragazzi. Kabelvåg, Lofoten, Norway

Works for Listening (2017-)
High order ambisonics works. Created and presented at CCRMA (US) / EMS (SE) / Notam (NO) / Lydgalleriet (NO) / MISC (LT)

Works for Listening 1-10 (2021)
Debut CD released on SOFA Music

Midnight Sun Ritual (2020)
For live electronics, sounding objects, and video. Flakstad Mikrofestival, Lofoten, Norway

Desert Creatures: The Salton Sea (2019)
Video and spatial sound. Ultima Oslo Contemporary Music Festival, Oslo

Sonic Portrait: Skotfoss (2019)
For live electronics. Commissioned by Greenlight District curated by Jørgen Larsson. Greenlight District, Skien, Norway

Alle kvinner er dirty horer (2019)
Stereo work. Created for Arctic Arts Festival. Harstad, Norway

Seven works made in collaboration with Adam Parkinson (2019)
Collaboration with Adam Parkinson. For live electronics. Created by invitation and presented at BEK, Bergen, Norway

Wires (2018)
8 channel work. Commissioned by nyMusikks Komponistgruppe concert. Galleri Sagene Kunstsmie, Oslo

Layers (2015)
Stereo work.

Vanvart (2015)
Stereo work.

Immersed:Berlin (2013)
Live electronics work. Notam, Oslo

6 Bekker fra Vestlandet (2012)
Stereo work. Chosen for the UNM Festival 2013. IAC, Malmö, Sweden

Bøgeskov i efterår (2011)
Stereo work.

Monstrum (2011)
Stereo work.

Cactus (2011)
Stereo work.

Awakening (2011)
Stereo work.


Draugen (2025)
Concert installation. Commissioned and curated by Nordland Akademi for Kunst og Vitenskap. The Norwegian Fishing industry Museum. Melbu, Norway

Dear Humanity (2025)
Audiovisual installation. Commissioned by Music Biennale Zagreb. Curated by Davor Vincze, Ivan Josip Skender, and Tomislav Olive. Student Centre foyer. Zagreb

The Lighthouse (2023/24)
High order ambisonics and video work. Created and presented as part of “Sonic Experiments 2023” at ZKM - Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe. Reworked as a 8 channel sound + video installation at AiRV Grande Finale, Melbu, Norway

Fyrtårnet (2024)
6 floor sound installation in a lighthouse. Created for Andøy Kommune / Nordlyst - Vinterfest i Andøy. Curated by Sindre Wolf. Andenes lighthouse, Andenes, Norway

Helnes (2022)
Artist book, photopolymer prints, graphic scores, wooden boxes, stones, headphones and sound. Collaboration with Emma Gunnarsson. Commissioned by nyMusikks Komponistgruppe. Lydgalleriet, Bergen, Norway

My Favourite Places (2022)
9 channel sound installation / audio guide, sound drive map. Commissioned by LIAF. Curated by Francesco Urbano Ragazzi. Kabelvåg, Lofoten, Norway

Portrait of Mrs. Alving (2022)
2 channel video and 4 channel sound installation. Commissioned by The JEDL Theatre Company. Gabriel Loci, Prague, Czech Republic

Alle kvinner er dirty horer (2019)
Video and sound installation. Solo exhibition. Created for Arctic Arts Festival. Harstad, Norway

Kroppspress (2019)
Video projection and 2 channel sound. Part of the group exhibition “Mørketida” curated by Kjetil Berge. Meieriet Kulturhus, Leknes, Norway

celloLYDinstallasjon (2018)
Sound installation. Commissioned by Cellolyd festival. Reine, Lofoten, Norway

We can’t save the world (2017)
Sound installation. Created for the “Montage is a heartbeat” group exhibition curated by Sue Kim. Multi-Cultural Artspace Haengwhatang, Seoul, South Korea

Kor tok måsan veien? (2017)
Audiovisual installation. Galleri Ariblå, Sortland, Norway

Works for Listening (2017)
Solo exhibition. Curated by Julie Lillelien Porter. Lydgalleriet, Bergen, Norway

Water and Stone (2017)
Sound work. Created for the “Drive In Sound Art Lofoten” exhibition curated by Tulle Ruth. Kartfjorden, Lofoten, Norway

SoundJourney (2015)
Sound installation. Vinterlydfestivalen, Oslo

Klangfarger for solo violin (2014)
Visual piece.


Dear Humanity (2025)
Audiovisual installation. Commissioned by Music Biennale Zagreb. Curated by Davor Vincze, Ivan Josip Skender, and Tomislav Olive. Student Centre foyer. Zagreb

The Lighthouse (2023/24)
High order ambisonics and video work. Created and presented as part of “Sonic Experiments 2023” at ZKM - Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe. Reworked as a 8 channel sound + video installation at AiRV Grande Finale, Melbu, Norway

Apotheosis (2023)
For contrabass clarinet, electric guitar, violoncello, double bass and video. Commissioned by Frequenz Festival. Written for Ensemble KNM Berlin. Frequenz Festival, Kiel, Germany

Portrait of Mrs. Alving (2022)
Commissioned by The JEDL Theatre Company. Gabriel Loci, Prague, Czech Republic

Nuclear Creatures: Westlake Landfill (2021)
Part of NNBK’s 50 years anniversary group exhibition at various Northern Norwegian art galleries, Norway

Ritual for Changing Times (2020)
For four+ performers and video. Commissioned by Lovemusic Collective. Digital premiere

Midnight Sun Ritual (2020)
For live electronics, sounding objects, and video. Flakstad Mikrofestival, Lofoten, Norway

Fra trash til cash (2019)
Commisioned by Nordic Music Days. Part of the “Sad Truth” group exhibition curated by Bjarne Kvinnsland. Stormen kulturhus, Bodø, Norway

Desert Creatures: The Salton Sea (2019)
Video and spatial sound. Ultima Oslo Contemporary Music Festival, Oslo

Urban Slang (2019)
Created for Arctic Arts Festival. Harstad, Norway

Anonymous Confessions (2019)
Created for Arctic Arts Festival. Harstad, Norway

Embodiment (2019)
Created for Arctic Arts Festival. Harstad, Norway

Arctic Creatures: Repparfjord (2019)
Commissioned by nyMusikks Komponistgruppe. Nynorskens hus, Oslo

Kroppspress (2019)
Video and 2 channel sound. Part of the group exhibition «Mørketida» curated by Kjetil Berge. Meieriet Kultursenter, Leknes, Norway

This is the sound of a violin (2018)
Collaboration with Eira Bjørnstad Foss. Darmstadt Summer Course for New Music, Darmstadt, Germany

Dancing in the Midnight Sun (2018)
Darmstadt Summer Course for New Music, Darmstadt, Germany

Sunset Rising (2017)
Echofluxx ́17 festival, Prague, Czech Republic

The City (2015)
The Norwegian Academy of Music, Oslo

The Sun (2014)
nyMusikk, Oslo


Havet (2023)
For live electronics and video. Only Connect Festival, Trondheim, Norway

Two Sides of the River (2022)
Collaboration with Pavlo Grazhdanskij. Commissioned by Barents Spektakel. Curated by Neal Cahoon / Pikene på Broen. Utnes, Norway / Nikel, Russia

Midnight Sun Ritual (2020)
For live electronics, sounding objects, and video. Flakstad Mikrofestival, Lofoten, Norway

Sonic Portrait: Skotfoss (2019)
For live electronics. Commissioned by Greenlight District curated by Jørgen Larsson. Greenlight District, Skien, Norway

Cleansing of shame ritual (2019)
For video, sound, and body. Created for Arctic Arts Festival. Harstad, Norway

Seven works made in collaboration with Adam Parkinson (2019)
For live electronics. Created by invitation and presented at BEK, Bergen

Object Session #5 (2017)
For live electronics. Potatoblossom Studio, Pyeongchang, South Korea

Object Session #3 (2017)
For live electronics. Labert Oppmøte Festival, Henningsvær, Norway

Object Session #1 (2017)
For live electronics. Sommer i Berlevåg, Berlevåg, Norway

Introvert Texture and Resonating Nature (2016)
For live electronics and video. LYDrørt festival, Lofoten, Norway

Soundtrip (2015)
For live electronics and video. By invitation from Nordic Music Days curated by Line Tjørnhøj. Nordic Music Days, Copenhagen

4 Stemninger fra Kysten (2015)
For live-electronics. Notam, Oslo

Immersed:Berlin (2015)
For live-electronics and video. Notam, Oslo


Holding Position (2021)
Original sound for dance performance. Commissioned by choreographer and dancer Thomas of Norway. Lofoten Kulturhus, Svolvær

You might like me better if we sleep together (2019)
Original sound for dance performance. Commissioned by choreographer and dancer Thomas of Norway. Lofoten Kulturhus, Svolvær, Norway

Until We Meet Again (2017)
Reworked sound for dance performance by choreographer and dancer Thomas of Norway. Lofoten Kulturhus, Svolvær, Norway

White String (2017)
Original sound for dance performance. Created with choreographers/dancers Irina Demina and Soodong Jung, and guitarist Patricio Noé Crom. National Theatre, Seoul

Is There (2017)
Original sound for dance performance by choreographers/dancers Nguyen Chung and Boram Jun. National Theatre, Seoul

Syndefaldet eftir William Heinesen (2014)
Original sound for theatre performance by actors Gunnva Zachariasen and Marita Dalsgaard. Faroe Islands


My Favourite Places (2022)
Audio guide + sound drive maps. Commissioned by LIAF - Lofoten International Art Festival. Curated by Francesco Urbano Ragazzi. Kabelvåg, Lofoten, Norway

Vågakallen (2019)
Graphic score made with and performed by 100 5th graders from Lofoten. Svolvær, Lofoten

Soundwalk Potato Blossom Studio (2017)
Sound map / sound walk. Pyeongchang, South Korea (2017)

SoundDestination: Pyeongchang Online sound map. South Korea (2017)

SoundDestination: Berlevåg (2017)
Sound installation + online sound map. Villa Borealis, Berlevåg (NO)

Etikk (2017)
Text score based on text by Michel Mateos. Performed by inmates in Ila Prison, Norway

Kyst (2015)
Interactive sound Installation for eBook and webpage (DK)


Mean Steel: It is (2023)
New composisions written for Mean Steel - featuring my work Stein I-III. Released on Finito Bacalao Records

Guitaristic Cyborx - works for guitar and electronics (live recording) (2023)
Compositions for guitar and live electronics performed by Jannis Wichmann - featuring my work Periferi.

Mørketid (2022)
Works by Arctic Atontal Assembly - featuring my work Mørket. Released on total division

Works for Listening 1-10 (2021)
Debut CD released on SOFA Music

Jakob Bangsø: Connect (2018)
Electronic works for guitar - featuring my work Periferi. Released on Dacapo

© 2025 Tine Surel Lange