TINE SUREL LANGE News Events List of Works List of Exhibitions Collaborations About Contact
Visual, sculptural score (Exhibition, concert, world premiere)
New commission for Ultima Oslo Contemporary Music Festival
Oslo, Norway
Draugen (Installation, world premiere)
New commission for Sommer-Melbu
Melbu, Norway
April 6 - 12
Dear Humanity (Installation)
Audiovisual installation
Music Biennale Zagreb
Student Centre in Zagreb, foyer
April 6
Dear Humanity (Installation opening, world premiere)
Audiovisual installation
Music Biennale Zagreb
Student Centre in Zagreb, foyer
March 8
En skog av lyd (Concert)
Performed by Damkapellet
LydLIG vol. 3
Teater Momentum
Odense, Denmark
January 31
Havet (Concert)
Audiovisual live performance
Svolvær, Norway
Jan 14 - Feb 23
Helnes + Lighthouses (Installation)
Part of the group exhibition “Å søke seg fra mørket til lys - from shadows to beacons”
Berlevåg Havnemuseum
Berlevåg, Norway
December 6
Works for Listening (Concert)
Composers from Afar | CCRMA 50th Anniversary
Curated by Constantin Basica
Stanford University, US
November 23
Ginnungagap (Concert)
Performed by Hanna Hohti and Anders Pohjola
hcmf - Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival
Huddersfield, UK
November 8
Apotheosis (Concert)
Performed by Ensemble K!ART og FIGURA
Figura Festspiele 24
Copenhagen, Denmark
November 1
Flaskepost (Concert)
Performed by Red Note Ensemble
Nordic Music Days
Glasgow, Scotland
October 26
Flaskepost (Concert)
Performed by Red Note Ensemble
Sound Festival
Aberdeen, Scotland
September 28
Ritual for Changing Times: Spring Equinox (Concert)
Performed by Sinfonietta Cracovia
Warsaw Autumn
Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie
Warsaw, Poland
September 11-13
Fyrtårnet (Installation)
AiRV Grande Finale
Melbu, Norway
August 31
En skog av lyd (Concert)
Performed by Damkapellet and Lydbrøndene
WELLS festival
Copenhagen, Denmark
July 5
Ginnungagap (Concert)
Performed by Hanna Hohti and Anders Pohjola
Musiikinaika / Time of Music Festival,
Viitasaari, Finland
Helnes + Lighthouses (Installation)
Part of the group exhibition “Å søke seg fra mørket til lys - from shadows to beacons”
Lindesnes lighthouse
Lindesnes, Norway
June 30
De ni bølgene (Concert)
Performed by ensemble Aksiom
The Danish New Music Academy
Aarhus, Denmark
June 23
Apotheosis (Concert)
Performed by Ensemble KNM Berlin
Festspillene i Nord-Norge
Harstad, Norway
June 11
En skog av lyd (Concert, world premiere)
New work for Damkapellet and Lydbrøndene
KLANG festival
Copenhagen, Denmark
June 10
Periferi (Concert)
Performed by Tom Smith
Goldsmiths Academy
London, UK
May 5
Periferi (Concert)
Performed by Jannis Wichmann
Hamburg, Germany
Mar 2 - May 26
Helnes + Lighthouses (Installation)
Part of the group exhibition “Å søke seg fra mørket til lys - from shadows to beacons”
Galleri Espolin
Kabelvåg, Norway
February 25
Readings for the Future (Concert, world premiere)
New work for Tøyen fil og klafferi
Nordlyst - Vinterfest i Andøy
Andenes, Norway
February 19-25
Fyrtårnet (Installation)
Sound installation
Nordlyst - Vinterfest i Andøy
Andenes lighthouse, Andenes, Norway
February 19, 6PM
Fyrtårnet(Installation opening)
Sound installation
Nordlyst - Vinterfest i Andøy
Andøymuseet, Andenes, Norway
February 17
Arctic Creatures: Repparfjord (Concert)
Performed by BIT20
Troldsalen - Troldhaugen, KODE
Bergen, Norway
February 14, 6/8PM
You might like me better if we sleep together (Performance)
Performance by Thomas of Norway with music by Tine Surel Lange
Vinterlys 2024
Kammersalen, Nordland Teater, Mo i Rana, Norway
February 13, 6/8PM
You might like me better if we sleep together (Performance)
Performance by Thomas of Norway with music by Tine Surel Lange
Vinterlys 2024
Kammersalen, Nordland Teater, Mo i Rana, Norway
January 11
Arctic Creatures: Repparfjord (Concert)
Performed by Flow Unit
Norwegian New Music Days
Concert hall, Music Academy in Krakow
Nov 17 2023 - Jan 31 2024
Helnes + Lighthouses (Installation)
Part of the group exhibition “Å søke seg fra mørket til lys - from shadows to beacons”
Galleri Espolin
Kabelvåg, Norway
November 18
The Lighthouse (Concert)
Curated by Lasse Marhaug
High Zero’s Diffusion Festival
Baltimore, US
Nov 17 2023 - Jan 31st 2024
Helnes + Lighthouses (Installation)
Part of the group exhibition “Å søke seg fra mørket til lys - from shadows to beacons”
Galleri Espolin
Kabelvåg, Norway
November 11
Organized sound for sounding objects I (Concert)
Performed by Mathias Næsguthe Remåd and Maria Holstad Maximov
Levinsalen, The Norwegian Academy of Music, Oslo
October 28
The Lighthouse (Concert, world premiere)
New electro acoustic piece
Sonic Experiments 2023
ZKM | Center for Art and Media
Karlsruhe, Germany
October 25
Flaskepost (Concert, world premiere)
New piece for Red Note Ensemble
Sound Festival
Aberdeen, Scotland
September 25 – October 29
Sonic Experiments 2023 (Residency)
ZKM | Center for Art and Media
Karlsruhe, Germany
August 5
Ginnungagap (Concert)
Performed by Hanna Hohti and Anders Pohjolan
Rauma Festivo, Kulttuuritalo Poselli, Rauma, Finland
July 8
The Electric Guitar between New Music and Pop (Panel)
Panel debate at Heroines of Sound
July 7
Apotheosis (Concert)
Performed by Ensemble KNM Berlin
Heroines of Sound Festival, Berlin
July 2
Ritual for Changing Times - Spring Equinox (Concert)
Aava-festivaali / Fjärdfestivalen |
June 29
High Noon (Talk)
Debate concept at Arctic Arts Festival
Harstad, Norway
June 27
Time Difference of Arrival (Performance)
Collaboration with Fabrice Moinet at Arctic Arts Festival featuring my “Works for Listening no. 1”
Harstad, Norway
June 26
Time Difference of Arrival (Premiere)
Collaboration with Fabrice Moinet at Arctic Arts Festival featuring my “Works for Listening no. 1”
Harstad, Norway
June 22
Sound Choreograohy Studies #1 (World premiere, concert)
Performed by Jennifer Gersten and Anna Rødevand
Juret, Oslo
June 24 - July 1
Two Sides of the River (Exhibition)
Continuation of the Two Sides of the River project part of the festival exhibition “Det gode liv” at Arctic Arts Festival
Harstad, Norway
May 14
Apotheosis (Concert)
Performed by Ensemble KNM Berlin
SPOR festival, Aarhus, Denmark
May 11
Apotheosis (Concert)
Performed by Ensemble KNM Berlin
Frequenz - Festival der Klangkunst
Kiel, Germany
May 10
Apotheosis (Concert, world premiere)
New piece for Ensemble KNM Berlin
Frequenz - Festival der Klangkunst
Kiel, Germany
April 27
Then, You Left (Sound for dance)
Dance performance by choreographer and dancer Thomas of Norway
Tvibit scene, Tromsø, Norway
April 23
Organized sound for sounding objects I + II (Concert)
Performed by Krækk!
Samtidsmusikkpub, Café Hærverk, Oslo
April 16
Ginnungagap (Concert)
Performed by Hanna Hohti and Anders Pohjolan
Taidekoti Kirpilä, Helsinki
April 15
Havet (Live performance)
Live electronics concert with Tine Surel Lange
Only Connect
Havet, Trondheim, Norway
March 1
Stein I-III (Concert)
Performed by defunensemble
Musica Nova
February 27
Two sides of the River (Listening session)
Marking the 1 year of the Two Sides of the River performance with Pavlo Grazhdansky.
Barents Spektakel 2023
Utnes, Norway
February 24 - March 1
Two sides of the River (Installation)
Continuation of cllaboration with Pavlo Grazhdansky.
Barents Spektakel 2023
Kirkenes, Norway
February 11
Ginnungagap (Concert)
Performed by Hanna Hohti and Anders Pohjolan
Lund Contemporary, Sweden
February 10
For Solo Violin(ist) (Concert)
Performed by Anna Jalving
Lund Contemporary, Sweden
December 12
Mørket (Concert)
Performed by CHORDOS string quartet
5th order ambisonics version
LOFTAS club, Vilnius
December 12
Portrait of Mrs. Alving (Installation)
3D sound version
PULS concert, arranged by Audiorama and EAU
Fylkingen, Stockholm
November 29
Sound Choreophy Studies no. 1 (Workshop)
Part of “Improlek” arranged by VoxLAB, open for anyone to join in!
Biermannsgården, Oslo
November 18 - December 18
Territories (Exhibition)
Collaboration with Emma Gunnarsson. Arranged by nyMusikks Komponistgruppe.
Lydgalleriet, Bergen
November 19
Territories (Seminar)
Collaboration with Emma Gunnarsson. Arranged by nyMusikks Komponistgruppe.
Lydgalleriet, Bergen
November 18
Territories (Group exhibition opening)
Collaboration with Emma Gunnarsson. Arranged by nyMusikks Komponistgruppe.
Lydgalleriet, Bergen
November 11
Creatures (Performance lecture)
Presented at MINU 2022
Ku.Be, Copenhagen
October 23
De ni bølgene (Concert)
Performed by aksiom ensemble
Gothenburg Academy of Music and Drama, Göteborg
October 20
De ni bølgene (Concert)
Performed by aksiom ensemble
Husnes Kulturhus, Kvinnherad, Norway
October 12
Works for Listening No. 14 (Concert, World premiere)
Presented at Nordic Music Days 2022.
Curated by Ríkharður H. Friðriksson.
Salurinn, Kópavogur, Iceland
October 8
Living Landscapes (Concert)
Performed by BIT20 at Ilios – Festival for ny musikk
Harstad Kulturhus, Norway
September 26th - November 28th
Creatures Series (Exhibtition)
Arctic Creatures: Repparfjord, Desert Creatures: The Salton Sea, and Nuclear Creatures: West Lake Landfill
CCRMA, Stanford University, USA
Sep 15
Portrait of Mrs. Alving (Installation)
Part of OPERA IBSEN. Collaboration with JEDL Theatre
Mezinárodní festival Divadlo Plzeň
Tyla Nová scéna, Plzeň, Czech Republic
Sep 9
Portrait of Mrs. Alving (Installation)
Part of OPERA IBSEN. Collaboration with JEDL Theatre
Švandovo divadlo, Prague
September 9 - October 2
My favourite places (Installation)
Part of “Fantasmagoriana” group exhibition.
LIAF - Lofoten international art festival
Kabelvåg, Norway
September 3
My Favourite Places (Installation, world premiere)
Part of “Fantasmagoriana” group exhibition.
LIAF - Lofoten international art festival.
Kabelvåg, Norway
August 27
Ginnungagap (Concert, World premiere)
Performed by Hanna Hohti and Anders Pohjolan.
Kalliosali, Helsinki, Finland
August 18
Costructing Conversations (Panel Discussion)
Part of Ung Nordisk Musik Reykjavik 2022
Mengi, Reyjavik, Iceland
August 15 - August 20
Portrait of Mrs. Alving (installation)
Part of In(visible) group exhibition
Part of Ung Nordisk Musik Reykjavik 2022
Galleri STAK, Reykjavik, Iceland
August 12
Two sides of the River (Talk)
Conversation with Pavlo Grazhdansky, Neal Cahoon and Tine Surel Lange.
Nordland Musikkfestuke
Stormen bibliotek, Bodø, Norway
July 1
Ritual for Changing Times Spring (Concert, World premiere)
Performed by Marco Fusi and Winnie Huang
Ritual Gatherings, Bulgaria
June 26
Portrait of Mrs. Alving (Installation)
Part of OPERA IBSEN. Collaboration with JEDL Theatre
Divadlo Antonína Dvořáka, Ostravě
June 13
Portrait of Mrs. Alving (Installation)
Part of OPERA IBSEN. Collaboration with JEDL Theatre
Gabriel Loci, Prague, Czech Republic
May 27
Using rituals in contemporary art (Workshop)
Arranged by Pikene på Broen / Ritual Gatherings
Shumen, Bulgaria
May 20
Using rituals in contemporary art (Workshop)
Arranged by Pikene på Broen / Ritual Gatherings
Troyan, Bulgaria
May 14
De ni bølgene (Concert)
Performed by K!ART
Domen, Århus, Denmark
May 13
Using rituals in contemporary art (Workshop)
Arranged by Pikene på Broen / Ritual Gatherings
Kyustendil, Bulgaria
May 9
Audiovisual extravaganza (Lecture)
Arranged as part of Frequenz Festival
Muthesius Kunsthochschule, Kiel, Germany
May 7
De ni bølgene (Concert)
Performed by K!ART
Frederiksberg Musikhus METRONOMEN, Copenhagen, Denmark
April 12
Portrait of Mrs. Alving (Installation)
Part of OPERA IBSEN. Collaboration with JEDL Theatre
Gabriel Loci, Prague, Czech Republic
April 11
Portrait of Mrs. Alving (Installation)
Part of OPERA IBSEN. Collaboration with JEDL Theatre
Gabriel Loci, Prague, Czech Republic
April 10
Portrait of Mrs. Alving (Installation, world premiere)
Part of OPERA IBSEN. Collaboration with JEDL Theatre
Gabriel Loci, Prague, Czech Republic
April 4
Stein I-III (Concert)
Performed by Mean Steel.
Tromsø, Norway
April 3
Stein I-III (Concert)
Performed by Mean Steel. Arranged by nyMusikk Nordland
Arthur-Brygga, Nyksund, Norway
April 2
Stein I-III (Concert)
Performed by Mean Steel. Arranged by nyMusikk Nordland
Marmelkroken, Bø i Andøy, Norway
April 1
Stein I-III (Concert)
Performed by Mean Steel. Arranged by nyMusikk Nordland
Arbeideren, Kabelvåg, Norway
March 31
Stein I-III (Concert)
Performed by Mean Steel. Arranged by nyMusikk Nordland
Eilertsen & Granados Teatre, Stamsund, Norway
March 25
Stein I-III (Concert, World premiere)
Performed by Mean Steel. Arranged by nyMusikk Nordland
Vinterfestuka, Narvik Kulturhus, Norway
March 15 - April 20
Visiting artist
Troms fylkeskultursenter, Tromsø, Norway
March 1 - March 15
UNM Residency (Mentor)
Arranged by UNM Iceland.
Reykjavik, Iceland
February 27
Two sides of the River (Performance)
Collaboration with Pavlo Grazhdansky.
Barents Spektakel 2022
Utnes, Norway / Nikel, Russia
January 19
Organized Sound For Sounding Objects II: Metal and Metal (Concert)
Arranged by nyMusikks Komponistgruppe
Bokcaféen, Chateau Neuf, Oslo, Oslo
2021 | DEC 1st | Organized Sound For Sounding Objects I: Metal and Glass | Performed by SISU Percussion Ensemble | Arranged by nyMusikks Komponistgruppe | Sentralen, Oslo
2021/22 | NOV 20th – JAN 31st | Nuclear Creatures: West Lake Landfill + Glimpses of a Midnight Sun Ritual| Part of the group exhibition AURA presented by NNBK | Senter for Samisk Samtidskunst / Sámi Dáiddaguovddáš, Karasjok, Norway
2021 | NOV 12th – DEC 6th | Nuclear Creatures: West Lake Landfill + Glimpses of a Midnight Sun Ritual | Part of the group exhibition AURA presented by NNBK | Vadsø Kunstforening, Vadsø, Norway
2021 | OCT | De ni bølgene | New composition for Aksiom Ensemble | Premiere in Oslo, Norway
2021 | SEP 30TH | Holding Position | Dance performance by Thomas of Norway | Sound by Tine Surel Lange | At Hurtigrutens Hus, Stokmarknes, Norway
2021 | SEP 29TH | Holding Position | Dance performance by Thomas of Norway | Sound by Tine Surel Lange | Premiere at Lofoten Kulturhus, Svolvær, Norway
2021 | AUG 28th | Living Landscapes | Performed by BIT20 | Premiere in Bergen, Norway
2021 | JUN 26th | You Might like me better if we sleep together | Dance performance by Thomas of Norway | Sound by Tine Surel Lange | Arctic Arts Festival | Harstad, Norway
2021 | JUN 17th – JUL 31st | Nuclear Creatures: West Lake Landfill + Glimpses of a Midnight Sun Ritual | Part of the group exhibition SOLHUND presented by NNBK | Galleri 2, J M johansens vei 18, 8340 Stamsund, Norway
2021 | JUN 11th – AUG 29th | Nuclear Creatures: West Lake Landfill + Glimpses of a Midnight Sun Ritual | Part of the group exhibition HILDRING presented by NNBK | Tromsø Kunstforening, Muségata 2, Tromsø, Norway
2021 | JUN 11th | Mørketid + Byen | Performed by Collective Lovemusic | Auditorium de la Bnu, Place de la République, 67000 Strasbourg, France | More info here
2021 | MAR 13th – APR 18th | Nuclear Creatures: West Lake Landfill + Glimpses of a Midnight Sun Ritual | Part of the Auralyd group exhibition at EQUINOX presented by NNBK | Bodø Kunstforening, Bodø, Norway
2021 | MAR 13th – APR 18th | Nuclear Creatures: West Lake Landfill | Part of the group exhibition EQUINOX presented by NNBK | Bodø Kunstforening, Bodø, Norway
2021 | MAR 13th | Nuclear Creatures: West Lake Landfill – WP | Part of the group exhibition EQUINOX presented by NNBK | Bodø Kunstforening, Bodø, Norway
2021 | MAR 6th | Ritual for Changing Times | Performed by Alohomora Quartet | Presented by Women of Noise / nyMusikks Komponistgruppe | Digital concert
2021 | FEB 17th – 21st | Midnight Sun Ritual | Part Lydstua at Barentsspektakkel, Kirkenes, Norway
2020 | NOV 6th | When Boys Cry | Dance performance by Thomas Voll | Sound by Tine Surel Lange | Dansefestival Barents, Hammerfest, Norway. More info here
2020 | OCT 9th | 18:00 PM | Works for Listening No. 2, 5 & 10 | “Atmosferos” concert series by Kirtimai culture center in Vilnius, Lithuania together with Music Innovation Studies Centre of Lithuanian Music And Theatre Academy | Gargždai culture centras, Gargždai, Lithuania
2020 | OCT 8th | 18:00 PM | Works for Listening No. 2, 5 & 10 | “Atmosferos” concert series by Kirtimai culture center in Vilnius, Lithuania together with Music Innovation Studies Centre of Lithuanian Music And Theatre Academy | Šilutė Chamber Drama Theatre, Šilutė, Lithuania
2020 | OCT 6th | Desert Creatures: The Salton Sea | Presented at Art On Paper Gallery at OtherMovie Lugano Film Festival, Lugano, Switzerland
2020 | OCT 6th | 18:00 PM | Works for Listening No. 2, 5 & 10 | “Atmosferos” concert series by Kirtimai culture center in Vilnius, Lithuania together with Music Innovation Studies Centre of Lithuanian Music And Theatre Academy | Vilkaviškis culture centre, Vilkaviškis, Lithuania
2020 | OCT 5th | 18:00 PM | Works for Listening No. 2, 5 & 10 | “Atmosferos” concert series by Kirtimai culture center in Vilnius, Lithuania together with Music Innovation Studies Centre of Lithuanian Music And Theatre Academy | Druskininkai Youth Activity Centre, Druskininkai, Lithuania
2020 | OCT 4th | 18:00 PM | Works for Listening No. 2, 5 & 10 | “Atmosferos” concert series by Kirtimai culture center in Vilnius, Lithuania together with Music Innovation Studies Centre of Lithuanian Music And Theatre Academy | Zarasai culture centre, Zarasai, Lithuania
2020 | SEP 20th | 19:30 PM | Ritual for Changing Times | Presented/Performed by Lovemusic | Frankfurt am Main, Germany
2020 | AUG 31st | Ritual for Changing Times | Presented/Performed by Lovemusic | Online premiere
2020 | JUN 8th | Organized Sound For Sounding Objects I: Metal and Glass | Performed by SISU Percussion Ensemble | “Upstate Oslo, Downtown Trondheim” Festival, Tynset Culture House, Norway
2020 | JUL 17th | 10:30 PM | Toner til Midnattssolen | Performed by Tine Surel Lange | Flakstad Mikrofratival, Flakstad, Norway
2020 | JUL 1st-19th | Arctic Creatures: Repparfjord – video version | Part of the group Exhibition “Friends” | Galleri 2, Stamsund, Norway
2020 | JUN | Periferi | Online Premiere, Performed by Tom Smith | PureGold Festival, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
POSTPONED 2020 | MAR 25th – APR 2nd | Work stay in Berlin, Germany
2020 | MAR 9-17th | Filming new work near St. Louis, Missouri, USA
2020 | MAR 5-7th | Desert Creatures: The Salton Sea | Presented at MOXsonic Missouri Experimental Sonic Arts Festival, Warrensburg, Missouri, USA
2020 | FEB | Work stay at the Salton Sea and surroundings, USA
2019 | DES 11th | You Might like me better if we sleep together | Dance performance by Thomas Voll | Sound by Tine Surel Lange | RadVent | Rådstua Teaterhus, Tromsø, Norway
2019 | DES 13th | 8 PM | En Tale – WP | Written for and performed by Oslo 14 | Biermannsgården, Oslo, Norway. More info here!
2019 | DES 6th | You Might like me better if we sleep together | Dance performance by Thomas Voll | Sound by Tine Surel Lange | Plattform | Dansstationen, Malmø, Sweden
2019 | NOV 16th | 3 PM | Sad Truth | Presentation | Nordic Music Days | Stormen, Bodø, Norway
2019 | NOV 16th | 2 PM | Music and Truth Panel Debate | Nordic Music Days | Stormen, Bodø, Norway
2019 | NOV 10th | 6 PM | For Solo Violin(ist) | Concert | Performed by Marco Fusi | Presented by nyMusikk Nordland | U. L. Lysbøen, Ramberg, Norway
2019 | NOV 10th | 3 PM | Music and Sound Art Symposium | With Marco Fusi and Alessandro Perini | U. L. Lysbøen, Ramberg, Norway
2019 | NOV 6th | 7:30 PM | Arctic Creatures: Repparfjord | Performed by NMKEnsemble (NO) | Presented by nyMusikks Komponistgruppe | Sentralen, Oslo, Norway
2019 | SEP 27th | 7 PM | You Might like me better if we sleep together | Dance performance by Thomas Voll | Kulturfabrikken, Sortland, Norway
2019 | SEP 24th | 6 + 8 PM | You Might like me better if we sleep together – WP | Dance performance by Thomas Voll | Lofoten Kulturhus, Svolvær, Norway
2019 | SEP 19th | 6 PM | Desert Creatures: The Salton Sea | Audiovisual HIA Concert | Ultima, Sentralen, Oslo, Norway
2019 | SEP 14th | Skotfoss I-III | Concert | Greenlight District, Skien, Norway
2019 | SEP 6th | 7:30 PM | Works for Listening No. 1-3 | Listening Lounge curated by nyMusikk Bodø | Atelier Noua, Bodø, Norway
2019 | SEP 6th–8th | Works for Listening | HIO Concert | The Symposium on Spatial Sound Arts | PLATFORM-L, Seoul, Korea
2019 | AUG 26th – SEP 1st | Works for Listening No. 9 – Wires | 8 channel installation | UNM festival, Piteå, Sweden
2019 | JUN 28th | 8 PM | Alle kvinner er dirty horer | Cleansing of shame ritual / performance | Arctic Arts Festival, Harstad, Norway
2019 | JUN 22-29th | Alle kvinner er dirty horer | Open Installation | Arctic Arts Festival, Harstad, Norway
2019 | JUN 22nd | 11 AM | Alle kvinner er dirty horer | Exhibition Opening | Arctic Arts Festival, Harstad, Norway
2019 | JUN 6th | 7:30 PM | Works for Listening – Full series | At CCRMA stage, the Knoll | CCRMA, Stanford University, USA
2019 | MAY 31st | 7:30 PM | Works for Listening – No. 5 | At Bing Concert Hall | CCRMA, Stanford University, USA
2019 | JUN 5th | Vågankallen WP | Vågan Municipality, Norway
2019 | APR 24th | 7 PM | Live concert with Adam Parkinson | At BEK | Bergen, Norway
2019 | APR 15th-26th | Residency with Adam Parkinson at BEK | Bergen, Norway
2019 | APR 7th |7 PM | Arctic Creatures: Repparfjord | Performed by MolOt Ensemble (RU) | TBA, St. Petersburg, Russia
2019 | APR 1st-5th | Greenlightdistrict Residency | Skien, Norway
2019 | MAR 29th |7 PM | Arctic Creatures: Repparfjord – WP| Performed by MolOt Ensemble (RU) | nyMusikks Komponistgruppe | Nynorskens hus, Oslo, Norway
2019 | MAR 6th | 8 PM | Works for Listening No. 2 & 10 | Svensk Musikvår | R1 Reaktorhallen, Stockholm, Sweden
2019 | MAR 11th-21st | Graphic Notation School Project in Vågan Municipality | Vågan, Norway
2019 | FEB 27th | 8 PM | You might like me better if we sleep together | Test run | Dance Performance by Thomas Voll | Dansearena Nord, Hammerfest, Norway
2019 | FEB 11th-28th | Residency at Dansearena Nord | With dancer and choreographer Thomas Voll | Hammerfest, Norway
2019 | FEB 9th-17th | Kroppspress | Open exhibition | “Mørketida” group exhibition | Meieriet Kultursenter, Lekes, Norway
2019 | FEB 9th | Kroppspress | Opening | “Mørketida” group exhibition | Meieriet Kultursenter, Lekes, Norway
2019 | FEB 3rd | Alle kvinner er dirty horer teaser | ILIOS Festival | Harstad, Norway
2019 | FEB 2nd | 6 PM | Metal and Glass | Performed by SISU Percussion Ensemble | ILIOS Festival | Harstad, Norway
2019 | FEB 1st | 7:30 PM | Works for Listening No. 1 & 5 | 5th order ambisonics version | CRRMA | Bing Concert Hall, Stanford University, USA
2019 | JAN 12th | Metal and Metal | Performed by Parallax | nyMusikks Komponistgruppe | Oslo, Norway
2018 | DEC 5th | 6PM | Works for Listening No. 2 & 10 | Curated by Cristian Vogel @ Puls Promoters 2018-19 | Arranged by Electric Audio Unit | Sentralen, Oslo, Norway
2018 | NOV 28th | 7PM | For Solo Violin(ist) | Performed by Marco Fusi | That Damn Borderline | ELEMENT studio, Göteborg, Sweden
2018 | NOV 27th | 7PM | For Solo Violin(ist) | Performed by Marco Fusi | That Damn Borderline | Medias Artes, Växjö, Sweden
2018 | NOV 26th | 7PM | For Solo Violin(ist) | Performed by Marco Fusi | That Damn Borderline | Skillinge Teater, Sweden
2018 | NOV 25th | 7PM | For Solo Violin(ist) – WP | Performed by Marco Fusi | That Damn Borderline | Black Room | Inter Arts Center, Malmö, Sweden
2018 | NOV 25th | 10AM | Artist talk/Intervention at That Damn Borderline | Seminar room, Inter Arts Center, Malmö, Sweden
2018 | NOV 11th | Works for Listening | 4 channel version | Nordic Music Days 2018, Helsinki, Finland
2018 | NOV 4th | 3PM | Wires | 8 channel version | VEMS concert | Kontakt-festival, Norrköpings konstmuseum, Kristinaplatsen, 602 34 Norrköping, Sweden
2018 | NOV 3rd | 1PM | Works for Listening No. 6 | 8 channel version | Glowing Electronics, Schhh – Vardagsrummet, Hoby 354, 27636 Borrby, Sweden. More info here!
2018| OKT 19th | 7PM + 9 PM | Works for Listening No. 2 & 6 | 5th order ambisonics version | CRRMA,The Knoll, Stanford University, USA | More info here!
2018 | OKT 7th | 8PM | Works for Listening No. 1 & 6 | Listening Session | EMS, Stockholm, Sweden
2018 | OKT 7th | 6PM | Artist talk at VEMS | EMS, Stockholm, Sweden
2018 | SEP 10th to NOV 13th | Residency at EMS, Stockholm, Sweden
2018 | SEP 6th-9th | Wires | 8 channel version | nyMusikk Nordland Listening Lounge, Lofoten Sound Art Symposium, Henningsvær, Norway
2018 | SEP 6th-9th | celloLYDinstallasjon | Lofoten Sound Art Symposium, Henningsvær, Norway
2018 | AUG 31st | Works for Listening No. 1-3 | 8 channel version | UNM festival 2018, Bergen, Norway
2018 | JUL 25th | 4PM | Whose work is this? – WP | Collaborative work with Eira Bjørnstad Foss | Darmstadt Summer Course 2018, Darmstadt, Germany
2018 | JUL 1st | Metal and Glass – WP | Performed by SISU Percussion Ensemble | nyMusikks Komponistgruppe concert, Oslo, Norway
2018 | JUNE 28th – JUL 13th | celloLYDinstallasjon | Open installation | Sakrisøy, Sørvågen and Å in Lofoten, Norway
2018 | JUNE 28th | 1 PM | celloLYDverk – WP | Cellolyd festival in Lofoten, Norway
2018 | JUNE 28th | 1 PM | celloLYDinstallasjon – WP | Cellolyd festival in Lofoten, Norway
2018 | JUNE 9th | Processing the Surroundings | nyMusikk Bodø, Bådin-Bryggeri, Bodø, Norway
2018 | JUNE 8th | Processing the Surroundings – WP | nyMusikk Nordland, Arthur-Brygga, Nyksund, Norway
2018 | MAY 26th | No Visual | Performed by Alpaca ensemble | Only Connect 2018, Oslo, Norway | More info here.
2018 | MAY 25th | 8 PM | No Visual – WP | Performed by Alpaca ensemble | Avant Garden, Trondheim, Norway | More info here!
2018 | MAY 20th | 1:30 PM | Water and stone | Drive In for Lydkunst Hadseløy, Hadsel, Vesterålen, Norway | More info here!
2018 | MAY 5th | 7:30 PM | Works for Listening no. 2 & 3 | 24 channel version | Electric Audio Unit concert, Sentralen, Oslo, Norway | More info here!
2018 | FEB 24th | Wires – WP | nyMusikks Komponistgruppe, Sagene Kunstsmie, Oslo Norway | More info on facebook
2018 | FEB 24th | 7PM | Byen | performed by mimitabu | Visual Sounds, Atalante, Göteborg, Sweden | More info here!
2018 | FEB 24th | 7PM | Dancehall Ram | Visual Sounds, Atalante, Göteborg, Sweden | More info here!
2017 | OCT 26th | 8PM | Pressure | Performed by asamisimasa | nyMusikk Nordland, Lofoten Kulturhus, Svolvær, Norway | Part of nationwide nyMusikk tour
2017 | OCT 25th | 8PM | Pressure | Performed by asamisimasa | nyMusikk Stavanger, Spor 5, Stavanger, Norway | Part of nationwide nyMusikk tour
2017 | OCT 24th | 7PM | Pressure | Performed by asamisimasa | nyMusikk Kristiansand, Universitetet i Agder, Kristiansand, Norway | Part of nationwide nyMusikk tour
2017 | OCT 22th | Live electronics concert | Deep in the Mountains Residency | Daloreum Theater of the National Theater of Korea
2017 | OCT 20th – NOV 4th | We can’t save the world – WP | Open installation | Group Exhibition | Deep in the Mountains Residency | Cultural Complex Haenghwatang, Seoul, South Korea
2017 | OCT 14th | Soundwalk Potato Blossom Studio | Deep in the Mountains Residency | Pyeongchang, South Korea
2017 | OCT 14th | 8PM | Pressure | performed by asamisimasa | nyMusikk Trondheim, Dokkhuset scene, Trondheim, Norway | Part of nationwide nyMusikk tour
2017 | OCT 13th | 7:30PM | Pressure | performed by asamisimasa |nyMusikk Østfold Frederikstad bibliotek, Frederikstad, Norway | Part of nationwide nyMusikk tour
2017 | SEP 14th – OCT 24th | SoundDestination: PyeongChang2018 | Deep in the Mountains Residency | PyeongChang, South Korea
2017 | AUG 1st – AUG 31st | Kor Tok Måsan Veien | Open installation | Solo Exhibition | Kulturfabrikken Sortland, Sortland, Norway | More info here / facebook-event!
2017 | AUG 1st | 6PM | Kor Tok Måsan Veien | Opening event | Solo Exhibition | Kulturfabrikken Sortland Norway | More info here!
2017 | JUL 19th | 1PM | SoundDestination | Concert | Festival Artist at Sommer i Berlevåg | Villa Borealis, Berlevåg, Norway
2017 | JUL 17th | 9PM | SoundDestination: Berlevåg | Concert | Festival Artist at Sommer i Berlevåg | Villa Borealis, Berlevåg, Norway
2017 | JUL 18th-23rd | SoundDestination: Berlevåg | Open Installation | Solo Exhibition | Festival Artist at Sommer i Berlevåg | Villa Borealis, Berlevåg, Norway
2017 | JUL 17th-23rd | SoundDestination: Berlevåg | Launch of online soundmap and opening of installation | Solo Exhibition | Festival artist at Sommer i Berlevåg | Villa Borealis, Berlevåg, Norway
2017 | JUL 1st-23rd | Artist in Residence | Festival Artist at Sommer i Berlevåg | Berlevåg, Norway
2017 | JUN 1st-30th | Artist in Residence | Kulturfabrikken Sortland, Sortland, Norway.
2017 | JUN 15th | 7:30PM | TID – WP | Performed by the Danish ensemble Lydenskab | Kulturkøkkenet, Vita Park, Odder, Denmark
2017 | MAY 31st – AUG 31st | Water and Stone | Part of Drive in for Lydkunst 2017 – Lofoten | More info here!
MAY 31st | 12 noon | Water and Stone – WP | Opening of Drive in for Lydkunst 2017 – Lofoten | Kartfjord, Stamsund, Norway
2017 | MAY 27th | 2 PM | Works for Listenening | Guided listening session | Solo Exhibition | Lydgalleriet, @UOY in Bergen, Norway
2017 | MAY 16th | 5PM + 7PM | Cycle 1-3 | Ambisonics version concert and presentation | ambisonics studio (Sirius), Notam, Sandakerveien 24D, bygg F3, 0473 Oslo, Norway
2017 | MAY 12th-28th | Works for listening | Open installation | Solo Exhibition | Lydgalleriet, @UOY, Bergen, Norway
2017 | MAY 12th | 7 PM | Works for listening | Exhibition opening | Solo Exhibition | Lydgalleriet, @UOY, Bergen, Norway
2017 | MAY 4th | Sunset Rising | Echofluxx17, Praha, Czech Republic
2017 | MAR 1st | 1 PM | Artist talk – my ambisonics work | Notam, Sandakerveien 24D, bygg F3, 0473 Oslo, Norway
2017 | JAN 11th | 4 PM | Vertical Studies for Ambisonics no. 1-3 | Ambisonics version | Juzeliūnas SPHERE, the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Vilnius, Lithuania
2016 | OCT 1st| 12 PM | Mørket | Performed by Siggi String Quartet | Nordic Music Days 2016, Kaldalón, Harpa, Reykjavik, Iceland
2016 | AUG 12th – 4 PM | So You Can Please – WP | Performed at the Percussion Ensemble Composition Workshop at Darmstadt International Summer Course | Edith-Stein-Schulz, Darmstadt, Germany
2016 | JUL 8th – 29th | Fieldwork – collecting material for a site-specific audiovisual installation about endangered seagulls | At Trevarefabrikken, Lofoten Islands, Norway
2016 | JUN 2nd | 7 PM | Livet – WP | Performed by Jauna Muzika | Vox Juventutis’16, šv. Kotrynos bažnyčioje, Vilnius, Lithuania
2016 | MAY 23rd | 7 PM | Water – WP | Performed by Thirty Fingers Trio | DruskoManija festival 2016, Art Academy in Vilnius, Lithuania.
2016 | APR 30th | SoundJourney | Open installation | LYDRØRT festival, Trevarefabrikken, Henningsvær, Norway
2016 | APR 30th | 2PM | Resonating nature and introvert texture | Live audiovisual performance | LYDRØRT festival, Trevarefabrikken, Henningsvær, Norway
2016 | MAR 13th | 5 PM | Byen | Performed by Asamisimasa | Borealis Festival 2016, Tårnsalen, Kode, Bergen, Norway
2016 | MAR 5th | 7 PM | Byen – WP | Performed by Asamisimasa | nyMusikks Komponistgruppe, Caféteatret, Oslo, Norway
2016 | FEB 7th | 5 PM | Mørket | Version for string quartet and 5th order ambisonics sound | Performed by Chordos String Quartet | Juzeliūnas SPHERE, the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Vilnius, Lithuania
2016 | JAN 18th | Dancehall Ram – WP | Remix Remix concert | Arranged by NOTAM, Oslo, Norway
© 2022 Tine Surel Lange