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Draugen (2025)
Concert installation. Commissioned and curated by Nordland Akademi for Kunst og Vitenskap. The Norwegian Fishing industry Museum. Melbu, Norway

Dear Humanity (2025)
Audiovisual installation. Commissioned by Music Biennale Zagreb. Curated by Davor Vincze, Ivan Josip Skender, and Tomislav Olive. Student Centre foyer. Zagreb

Fyrtårnet (2024) 
Curated by Sindre Wolf. Andenes lighthouse, Andenes, Norway

Creatures Series (2022)

Curated by Constantin Basica. CCRMA WAVE, CCRMA, Stanford University, USA

Alle kvinner er dirty horer (2019)
Arctic Arts Festival. Harstad, Norway

celloLYDinstallasjon (2018)
By invitation from Cellolyd festival. Reine, Lofoten, Norway

Kor tok måsan veien? (2017)
Galleri Ariblå, Kulturfabrikken Sortland, Sortland, Norway

Works for Listening  (2017)
Curated by Julie Lillelien Porter. Lydgalleriet, Bergen, Norway

SoundDestination: Berlevåg (2017)
Curated by Emma Gunnarsson for Sommer i Berlevåg. Villa Borealis, Berlevåg


AirV Grande Finale (2023/24)
Curated by Malin Overholth. Norwegian Fishing Industry Museum, Melbu, Norway.

Å søke seg fra lys til mørke - From shadows to beacons (2023)
Curated by Emma Gunnarsson. Nordkappmuseet, Honningsvåg + Galleri Espolin, Kabelvåg + Lindesnes Lighthouse Museum + Berlevåg Harbour Museum, Norway

Det gode liv // The Sweetness of Living (2023)

Curated by Pikene på Broen. Kirkenes, Norway + True Northern Arts Festival, Harstad, Norway. 

Territores (2022)
Curated by Ulf A. S. Holbrook for nyMusikks Komponistgruppe. Lydgalleriet, Bergen, Norway

Fantasmagoriana (2022)
Curated by Francesco Urbano Ragazzi for LIAF - Lofoten International Art Festival. Kabelvåg, Norway

In(visible) (2022)
Curated by Hildur Elisa Jónsdóttir for Ung Nordisk Musik Island. Galleri KANNSKI, Svigrúm and STAK, Reykjavik

opera IBSEN
. 2022 (2022)

By invitation from The JEDL Theatre Company. Gabriel Loci, Prague

Cosmos and Chaos exhibition project (2021)
Curated by Karolin Tampere for NNKS. CYFEST, Luda Gallery, St. Petersburg

Equinox (2021)
Curated by NNBK. Bodø Kunstforening, Norway

Tvelys (2021)
Curated by NNBK. Terminal B, Kirkenes, Norway

Hildring (2021)
Curated by NNBK. Tromsø Kunstforening, Norway

Solhund (2021)
Curated by NNBK. Galleri 2, Stamsund, Norway

Understrømmer (2021)
Curated by NNBK. Galleri Nord-Norge, Harstad, Norway

Aura (2021)
Curated by NNBK. Vadsø Kunstforening, Norway

Halo (2021)
Curated by NNBK. Sámi Dáiddaguovddáš, Karasjok, Norway

Mørketida (2019)
Curated by Kjetil Berge. Fryseriet, Meieriet Kultursenter, Leknes, Norway

Sad Truth (2019)
Curated by Bjarne Kvinnsland for Nordic Music Days. Stormen Kulturhus, Bodø, Norway

Lofoten Sound Art Symposium exhibition (2018)
By invitation from NNKS - North Norwegian Art Centre. Curated by Karolin Tampere. Henningsvær, Norway

That damn borderline (2018)
Curated by Herzbreakerz. Inter Arts Centre, Malmö, Sweden

Drive In Sound Art Hadseløy (2018)
By invitation from Tulle Ruth. Hadseløy, Norway

Montage is a heartbeat (2017)
Curated by Sue Kim. Haenghwatang cultural complex space, Seoul, South Korea

Drive In Sound Art Lofoten (2017)
Curated by Tulle Ruth. Kartfjorden, Norway

www.lige-kunst.dk (2015)
Curated by ingeborg Okkels. Online art project

© 2023 Tine Surel Lange